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Selected Publications

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​Hyperexcitability and Homeostasis in Fragile X Syndrome. Liu X, Kumar V, Tsai NP, Auerbach BD. Jan. 6, 2022 In: Frontiers Molecular Neuroscience. 14:805929.


Hearing in Complex Environments: Auditory Gain Control, Attention, and Hearing Loss. Auerbach BD, Gritton HJ. Feb. 10, 2022. In: Frontiers Neuroscience. 16:799787.


Auditory hypersensitivity and processing deficits in a rat model of fragile X syndrome.  Auerbach, B. D., Manohar, S., Radziwon, K. & Salvi, R., Dec 2021, In: Neurobiology of Disease. 161, 105541.


​​Neural Mechanisms of Tinnitus and Hyperacusis in Acute Drug-Induced Ototoxicity. Salvi, R., Radziwon, K., Manohar, S., Auerbach, B., Ding, D., Liu, X., Lau, C., Chen, Y.C., Chen, G.D., Jan 19 2021, In: American Journal of Audiology. 1-15 p.


Functional Neuroanatomy of Salicylate- and Noise-Induced Tinnitus and Hyperacusis. Salvi, R., Auerbach, B. D., Lau, C., Chen, Y-C., Manohar, S., Liu, X., Ding, D. & Chen, G-D., 2021, In: Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences. p. 133-160 28 p.


Functional magnetic resonance imaging of enhanced central auditory gain and electrophysiological correlates in a behavioral model of hyperacusis. Wong, E., Radziwon, K., Chen, G. D., Liu, X., Manno, F. AM., Manno, S. HC., Auerbach, B.D., Wu, E. X., Salvi, R. & Lau, C., Apr 2020, In: Hearing Research. 389, 107908.


Mechanisms underlying auditory processing deficits in Fragile X syndrome. McCullagh, E. A., Rotschafer, S. E., Auerbach, B. D., Klug, A., Kaczmarek, L. K., Cramer, K. S., Kulesza, R. J., Razak, K. A., Lovelace, J. W., Lu, Y., Koch, U. & Wang, Y., Mar 1 2020, In: FASEB Journal. 34, 3, p. 3501-3518 18 p.


Neuroadaptations in the dorsal hippocampus underlie cocaine seeking during prolonged abstinence. Werner, C. T., Mitra, S., Auerbach, B. D., Wang, Z. J., Martin, J. A., Stewart, A. F., Gobira, P. H., Iida, M., An, C., Cobb, M. M., Caccamise, A., Salvi, R. J., Neve, R. L., Gancarz, A. M. & Dietz, D. M., Oct 20 2020, In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 117, 42, p. 26460-26469 10 p.


Preclinical animal behavioral models of hyperacusis and loudness recruitment. Radziwon, K. E., Manohar, S., Auerbach, B., Liu, X., Chen, G. D. & Salvi, R., Jan 1 2020, New Therapies to Prevent or Cure Auditory Disorders. Springer, p. 135-157 23 p.



Aberrant thalamocortical coherence in an animal model of tinnitus. Vianney-Rodrigues, P., Auerbach, B. D. & Salvi, R., Mar 2019, In: Journal of neurophysiology. 121, 3, p. 893-907 15 p.


Noise-Induced loudness recruitment and hyperacusis: Insufficient central gain in auditory cortex and amygdala. Radziwon, K., Auerbach, B. D., Ding, D., Liu, X., Chen, G. D. & Salvi, R., Dec 1 2019, In: Neuroscience. 422, p. 212-227 16 p.


Testing the Central Gain Model: Loudness Growth Correlates with Central Auditory Gain Enhancement in a Rodent Model of Hyperacusis.

Auerbach, B. D., Radziwon, K. & Salvi, R., May 21 2019, In: Neuroscience. 407, p. 93-107 15 p.


Memory enhancing effects of BPN14770, an allosteric inhibitor of phosphodiesterase-4D, in wild-type and humanized mice.  Zhang, C., Xu, Y., Chowdhary, A., Fox, D., Gurney, M. E., Zhang, H. T., Auerbach, B. D., Salvi, R. J., Yang, M., Li, G. & O’Donnell, J. M., Oct 1 2018, In: Neuropsychopharmacology. 43, 11, p. 2299-2309 11 p.



Inner hair cell loss disrupts hearing and cochlear function leading to sensory deprivation and enhanced central auditory gain.   Salvi, R., Sun, W., Ding, D., Chen, G. D., Lobarinas, E., Wang, J., Radziwon, K. & Auerbach, B. D., 2017, In: Frontiers in Neuroscience. 10, JAN, 621.


Noise-induced hearing loss induces loudness intolerance in a rat Active Sound Avoidance Paradigm (ASAP).   Manohar, S., Spoth, J., Radziwon, K., Auerbach, B. D. & Salvi, R., Sep 2017, In: Hearing Research. 353, p. 197-203 7 p.

Tinnitus and hyperacusis: Contributions of paraflocculus, reticular formation and stress.  Chen, Y. C., Chen, G. D., Auerbach, B. D., Manohar, S., Radziwon, K. & Salvi, R., Jun 1 2017, In: Hearing Research. 349, p. 208-222 15 p.


β-Arrestin2 Couples Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 5 to Neuronal Protein Synthesis and Is a Potential Target to Treat Fragile X. 

Stoppel, L. J., Auerbach, B. D., Senter, R. K., Preza, A. R., Lefkowitz, R. J. & Bear, M. F., Mar 21 2017, In: Cell Reports. 18, 12, p. 2807-2814 8 p.


Central gain control in tinnitus and hyperacusis.   Auerbach, B. D., Rodrigues, P. V. & Salvi, R. J., 2014, In: Frontiers in Neurology. 5, p. 206


Fragile X mental retardation protein and synaptic plasticity.  Sidorov, M. S., Auerbach, B. D. & Bear, M. F., 2013, In: Molecular Brain. 6, 1, 15.


Mutations causing syndromic autism define an axis of synaptic pathophysiology.   Auerbach, B. D., Osterweil, E. K. & Bear, M. F., Dec 1 2011, In: Nature. 480, 7375, p. 63-68 6 p.


Correction of Fragile X Syndrome in Mice.  Dölen, G., Osterweil, E., Rao, B. S. S., Smith, G. B., Auerbach, B. D., Chattarji, S. & Bear, M. F., Dec 20 2007, In: Neuron. 56, 6, p. 955-962 8 p.

Auerbach Lab @ Illinois

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